聖誕節為你有何意義? 您怎樣迎接祂的來臨? 為何聖誕節要掛聖誕環?Why do we hang Christmas wreath in Christmas? 因為它提醒我們…耶穌才是聖誕節值得慶祝的真正原因! 聖誕始於基督Christmas Begins with Christ 當我們以將臨期進入聖誕期間,讓我們不要忘記「聖誕始於基督」。 聖誕之美不在於禮物,而是祂的臨在。 The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence. 聖誕之美是來自禮物嗎? 讓你的信仰在主耶穌內紮根 Let your faith be rooted in Jesus! 這個聖誕,讓你的信仰在主耶穌內紮根! 當耶穌在聖誕來臨時,祂會找到溫暖的心嗎?- 聖德蘭修女At Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart?–Mother Teresa 祂會找到溫暖的心嗎? “I want a Christmas that whispers Jesus.” -Ann Voskamp What I Want for Christmas? 耶穌,是聖誕的原因Jesus is the reason for Christmas 為什麼我們要過聖誕節? 耶穌,是聖誕的原因! 耶穌是你生命的光Jesus is the light of your life! 主耶穌,感謝祢降臨!Jesus, thank you for coming to us! 感謝祢降臨! “I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.” –Charles Dickens